Summer of Jim and Tom

Thursday, July 07, 2005

"I can't believe Paramount paid to fly us all the way out here..."

"I know, I don't know why they just didn't use body doubles."

So me, Jim and the other castle kids are all well and good. Just so everyone knows there were some bomb attacks on the underground this morning and on an above ground bus. There were some fatalities, but none of them were Castle kids.

It's been a little quiet around here lately, because people have papers and midterms and things (that's right. Midterms in July.). This weekend we were set to go to London, with our field trip being on Sunday (and then going to the Globe to check out the Tempest) but alas they have cancelled them all. It really sucks, as I was looking to heading back to the Big City.

Our plans to hike into town earlier in the week for curry were thwarted by some fabulous english weather. Although we're planning on going tomorrow to make up for it. And apparently there is a toga party in the works. Here it might work, cause they're are more girls then guys (by about 2 to 1). Lord knows it wouldn't work in the sausage party of friends that I have in Kingston. (no offence, but we all know that provan would be sheetless before the punch was even served).

so for some mild entertainment here are pictures from London.

"Pretty shitty circus huh?"
That's right. I made Jim (and Jay who took the picture) go all the way to Picadilly Circus just so I could take that picture.

That's me posing with former Chief of Staff Vicount Montgomery. Did you know that's how tall he was in real life? They had to make custom sized tanks to move him around!


At 12:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 8:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir Provan of Bracebridge

Your challenge to a duel is accepted. Let the 9th day of July of the 2005th year of our lord Jebus Chist be the day of reckoning. I believe ye olde pube Clark Hall will surely surfice as a duelling ground I do say. Shall we commence at sundown after a brandy?

Long Live The Queen

Lord John Travis Lusney the 3rd of West Brock


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