Summer of Jim and Tom

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I got staff skillz, bringing the parTskillz

So last night the law students finished. They had their last exam, they had their banquet, and they got wicked ass drunk. The undergrads, seeing this and behaving like parrots, decided that we would get wicked drunk as well. And who do you talk to when you want to get wicked drunk?

Me and Jim.

So we end up with about 15 people in our room, boozing like the sun wasn't going to come up. We taught people to play Golf. But people we're vengful enough, so we started playing a game that was a hybrid of Kings and Boxhead. You know what's a terrible idea, playing a game that is a combination of Kings and Boxhead. Half of the people in our room we're way fucked up. Then we went outside, some for smokes, and while there i helped one of the CRAZY security guards wiht his new digital camera. The English swear ALOT.

Chris, Sam and Alison - Being Drunk

Sina getting her ass kicked as the BoxHead (although it is a nice box).

Tomorrow Jim goes to London. I go to Brighton on Saturday and London on Sunday. Should be good times. Fun tourist pictures to come!


At 1:33 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha......nice box, I get're sick Tom....but funny

At 1:35 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no respect for anyone dont you Tom, just kidding, glad you guys are having a good time, keep on rockin

At 7:03 a.m., Blogger TommyDoubleU said...

what the fuck did i do?

fucking dunn.

At 1:59 p.m., Blogger TommyDoubleU said...

Tell you what, i'll have one for you by tomorrow night.


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