Summer of Jim and Tom

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Beachy Head? It's like.....the bloor street viaduct.

So today we went on a orientation of the local area. The local area is nice. We took a bus trip to a couple places, stopping first in Alfriston. It is a tiny town. Tiny. so small that the bus (or "coach" as you will) couldn't fit through some of the streets. Anyways, there is a nice old church. with a clergy house. everything was made of flint. EVERYTHING. well not everything. the alfa romeros all over the place are defintly made of steel. but all the old buildings are clearly made of flint. which is pretty neat. and probably a fire hazard of some sort.

We stopped in this tiny pub (that apparently had a car driven through it by accident) and had a quick pint before we left. At "The Smuggler's" Jim had a 'White Gold' (which was not good). I had a 'Harvey's Best Bitter' which was pretty darn tasty.

We then left for the Birling Gap. It's this premo example of chalk cliffs. I was SUPER excited. Apparently everyone in southern england was ALSO excited about chalk and the place was SOOO busy that we couldn't park. They even tried to let us off at the side of the road, but someone came up and made us move! Tom = angry. No Birling Gap. So they took us to "Beachy Head" which sounds like some sort of island themed gentleman's film but actually turned out to be a point into the channel beside eastbourne. So i took some pictures of some chalk. As soon as i find an easy way to post picutres to this damn thing (jim is tricky and can do it) i'll show you some chalk.

enough about chalk.

we then went to eastbourne. which is like miami. for english people. with less cubans. and less coolness. its like walmart miami. and only a fraction as hot. but still nice enough that none of the men wore shirts. even while in stores and restaurants. weirded me out a little. wow. random.

until we got to eastbourne we had the CRAZIEST tour guide ever. she was at least 450 years old, but spritely as anything. she was a "blue ribbon certified". i don't know what that means. apparently its like being a journeyman for tour guides. regardless she kept saying "i learned this in a course. but i can't remember now. i thinkt hat used to be a rope factory." she was odd. and was obessed with insurance companies and sucide. she seemed genuinely concerned that we were going to cliff jump into the english channel at Beachy Head if we were depressed. very strange. if i really wanted to end it all i don't think i'd spend an ass load of money just so i could do it in the channel. but the moral of the story is she was old and wouldn't shut up. and had the most HILAROIUSLY pretenious stereotypical accent. like "chip chip cherrio" "spot o tea" and all that crap.

so i got some shoes. so did jim. this isn't' as trivial as you think. cause you can't go to clubs here with running shoes. so jim got some like 8 quid shoes. i got slightly more expensive ones. they're terribly uncomfortable. but now i can "club it up".

thats' about it for today. tomorrow classes start. i'm actually excited for school. although its going to be a little weird on account of the "doing school". but i'm greatful that i don't take things too seriously.

aight. peace out all.


At 10:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

I just got back from my weekend at home, and I've only now had a chance to catch up on your travels. It sounds just wonderful, and I'm super jealous! I can't wait to hear what a day of school is like. Please do keep us posted, we miss you lots!


At 12:22 p.m., Blogger TommyDoubleU said...

For those who were interested, the castle serves the following drinks on tap:

Carlsberg (3.1%)
Carlsberg Export (what we get in Canada we think....)
and Blackthorn Cider.

and they've never heard of a black and tan here.

as you were.


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